About Us

Origins Archival is a motion picture post-production services company conveniently located at the Kodak House in Hollywood, California. We are committed to the meticulous task of digitizing and remastering motion picture film heritage, specializing in 8mm, 16mm and 35mm. With state-of-the-art frame-by-frame film scanners and industry-leading digital restoration software, we are equipped to fulfill the unique requirements of a broad range of clients, including archives, institutions, production companies, filmmakers, and private collections. With over 750,000 feet of film scanned to date, and countless films restored, Origins Archival has established itself as an invaluable asset for film communities and archivists around the world.

For more information please contact us:
Call or Text: (310) 876-2715
7758 Sunset Blvd., Second Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90046